If I Hear “Think Outside the Box” One More Time, I’ll Throw Up

business strategy Dec 14, 2020

Why is it if we would like to be at our most creative and innovative, we resort to utilizing the very worn-out cliché at our disposal?

"We will need to think beyond the box on this one!"

It gives us guidelines and bounds about what we would like to achieve.

By way of instance, if the state I would like you to compose a post on fresh ways small companies can utilize social media, I have only given you a 'box.'

But should I let you get to work but provide you no idea what to do, then you are likely to be completely and completely lost.

Now then, what do we say if we would like to express our desire to believe otherwise, get off the beaten path, hunt for an innovative strategy, break new ground and take an imaginative leap?

Seriously, I am asking you for your help with this one. The phrases I used in the preceding paragraph seem worn out and exhausted.

I did have one idea, but you may not enjoy it if you are a Star Wars fan.

For any reason, people seem to gravitate towards Star Wars or Star Trek. This may be incorrect, but I could see some truth about it.

Here is what I do understand: At the very first Star Trek show, through the opening credits, we hear Captain Kirk stating...

What do you believe?

Could we boldly go where nobody has ever gone before?

It sure beats the hell out of thinking outside a dumb, cliché box.

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