6 Strategies to Get Tons of NEW Blog Traffic

blogging publishing tips Nov 13, 2019

Here are 6 simple methods for driving NEW traffic to your blog posts and articles that you publish online.

  1. Create timely content and circulate it to the right platforms. Instead of always pursuing evergreen content, create fresh, trending content that is relevant to the world at that moment.
  2. Know the purpose of your content. Focusing on pleasing Google or optimizing for clicks will get you part of the way, but it won’t be enough to keep users interested in and engaging with your content. Create content that lives and breathes and serves a purpose.
  3. Use expert generated content. This can take the form of expert interviews, roundup posts, webinars, podcasts, guest posts, and video content.
    The idea is to incentivize industry experts to create content for your site, tip you off to new content ideas, and then share your content to their own audiences.
  4. Create content that draws in attention from other industry-leading websites.
    1. Review their products
    2. Offers comparisons of their products over competitors
    3. References other articles on their website
  5. Write about what your readers want to hear about. If you’re on social media, reach out and ask what your target audience wants. And source ideas from the comments section, email responses, reviews, or feedback from past clients or customers.
  6. Create a Video from your blog content, using a video tool like Content Samurai or PowerPoint. By converting your content into video, it will help drive traffic from video platforms like YouTube, Vimeo and Facebook. You have the opportunity to create a whole additional traffic source beyond organic search.

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