I love building videos, but this blew me away.

I love building videos, but this blew me away. 

I wish I had thought of this one...

For as long as I can remember, video software has been released focusing on just ONE part of video marketing. 

…The MAKING of the video. 

Have you ever created a video, been SUPER excited by how awesome it looks and then thought:

“NOW What?” 

It’s the #1 problem PLAGUING video marketing right now. People don’t know how to USE the videos they are creating to generate traffic, leads and sales.

Sure – you’ve got an amazing video but you're NOT going to make money if you don't know what to do with the video AFTER it is made.

Well, what if you could make money from video marketing without:

- Ever worrying about how many views your video gets anymore.
- Ever creating a video manually ever again.

Speaq, the revolutionary AI video marketing software does just that!

The team behind Speaq spotted this problem and began working on a concept for BEGINNERS to profit from video – making video marketing accessible to people who never want to worry about how many views their views get!

The result: Speaq creates videos AUTOMATICALLY from simple conversations. 

How does it work? 
Step 1: You copy your unique shareable link.
Step 2: Share it ANYWHERE and with ANYONE.
Step 3: Anyone who clicks your link has their own guided chat with Speaq.
Step 4: Speaq creates a video based on THEIR answers and delivers it to them.
Step 5: He also collects payments directly from inside the conversation!

That’s right. 

They have packaged everything you need to profit from video marketing into just ONE LINK. 

By using your secure link, your clients make their own DREAM videos themselves… 

…and PAY you from right inside the app! 

Automated creation, delivery, sales... 

Everything DONE FOR YOU.

Not only does this save you time and make you money, but you have happier clients THANKING YOU too. 

They get a video EXACTLY how THEY want it without asking for revisions, being interviewed or by having to spend thousands of dollars.

Speaq’s AI guidance takes it all off your hands. Your ONLY job is to copy and paste ONE LINK. That’s it. 

Easy right? 

So what are you waiting for?

==> https://vidpenguin.link/Speaq

Their pricing is too low in my opinion, I’d be charging a HECK of a lot more for this. Anyways, to each his own.

(Better for you I guess!)

Chat soon,
Damon Nelson


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