VidPenguin Productions Blog

How to Up Your Facebook Marketing Game Using Facebook Groups

Most of us have come to realize in order to succeed on Facebook you’ll most likely need to pay-to-play, especially with organic reach percentages so low.

But there is another workaround if you aren’t ready to fork out the big bucks for that extra post reach...

Facebook Groups.

Brands can use Facebook Groups to ensure their most important content is actually seen by their target demographic and as another way to communicate with potential and existing customers.


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How to Market Your Own Program in Facebook Groups

If it’s your own Facebook Group, then you can market your programs with no problem.

But if you’re in a Facebook Group run by anyone else, you’ve basically got two options:

1: Be active, provide value, answer questions and solve people’s problems to get noticed.

Because this can be time intensive, you might want to pick one group and stick with it rather than spreading your attention over several groups. Or you can outsource this work to someone else.

Look for...

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