VidPenguin Productions Blog

How to Make β€œIT” Happen in 2022

VidPenguin Productions
How to Make β€œIT” Happen in 2022

The "IT" is whatever you want to bring into reality. For our purposes, we're going to talk about how to "Make Your New Business" happen, but you can use this knowledge to create almost anything from scratch.

Without permission.

Without bosses.

Without someone telling you NO, you CAN NOT do that.

Without the roadblocks you've come up against before.

And without that monkey voice in your head telling you that you're not good enough, that people will judge you, that you need to keep your...

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What Color Causes People to Buy More?

VidPenguin Productions
What Color Causes People to Buy More?

When creating your logo or the look of your website, color plays a crucial role in the snap judgments people make about your business. According to Emerald Insight, between 62 and 90 percent of that first impression is based on color alone. This means your color choice of logo or website could make or break a customer's decision to buy.

Yes, color is THAT important.

What color(s) should you choose for your business?

Well, that depends.

Nothing works better than red if you want to attract...

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How to Use Chatbot Technology to Grow Your Business

VidPenguin Productions
How to Use Chatbot Technology to Grow Your Business

You may have noticed various companies offering chatbots for you to use in your business.

It's intriguing. And yet maybe you're wondering how exactly this sort of technology might be helpful to you. Check out these ideas…

Use Chatbots for Customer Service

One of the most common ways to use chatbot technology is to decrease customer service inquiries.

Now, typically you provide plenty of content on your sites, such as a knowledge base and FAQ. But some visitors are in a hurry, and they...

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Your guide to content curation: 8 Benefits of Curating Your Content for Social Media Postings

When it comes to marketing your business, there’s a lot to think about. Why invest in content curation? Let’s talk through some of the benefits.

First, content curation must be a piece of a larger content marketing strategy. Still, need to pull a plan together? Check out the Hubspot guide listed at the end of this article to get started laying out a content marketing strategy. (Did we curate a useful resource within a curation post? Yep. So meta.)


If you’re already...

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How to Up Your Facebook Marketing Game Using Facebook Groups

Most of us have come to realize in order to succeed on Facebook you’ll most likely need to pay-to-play, especially with organic reach percentages so low.

But there is another workaround if you aren’t ready to fork out the big bucks for that extra post reach...

Facebook Groups.

Brands can use Facebook Groups to ensure their most important content is actually seen by their target demographic and as another way to communicate with potential and existing customers.


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The Simple Jeff Walker 6-Figure Blueprint

Can you imagine making six figures from writing just ONE report?

Believe it or not, that’s essentially how many marketers do earn six figures or even seven figures.

No doubt, you’ve seen marketers launch an excellent $10 product that sells like crazy.

And then they do it again. And again. And again.

They come up with a topic, write a report, or create a product, do everything necessary to launch it, and then start all over again.

That’s work.

But let’s say you write...

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TikTok Marketing in a Nutshell

TikTok is growing fast – it’s been downloaded 1.5 billion times and has 500 million active users who spend an average of 52 minutes per day on the platform. 90% of active users access TikTok at least once per day. Users are overwhelmingly young, with 66% of users under the age of 30.

Yet just 4% of marketers use TikTok.

TikTok users upload videos of 15 seconds or shorter or create and share 60 second stories-type videos.


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11 Tips for Retaining Customers for Life


You already know that it’s far easier to sell to a customer you already have than it is to get a new customer.

Then again, it can sometimes be easier to get a new customer than to retain the old ones, depending upon the mistakes you’re making. But if you can avoid the mistakes and do things right the first time, your job will be that much easier, and customers will stick with you through thick and thin.

Here’s how to hook those customers you’ve worked so hard to win...

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