VidPenguin Productions Blog

How to Increase Traffic Through Helpful Content

Content should be helpful for people, not SEO bots. It should solve problems, not just inform them. The best way to do this is by creating content that helps users achieve specific goals. This content should be written in an engaging style that makes readers want to share it with others.

This type of content also works well on social media sites where people are sharing articles they find interesting. When someone shares something that was helpful to them, other people will notice and click...

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7 Best Paid Stock Photography Sites

You already know how important images are for your marketing efforts. People pay attention to images, read image captions, and are more likely to read your content if it contains compelling pictures.

Images make your content look more professional and help to improve your communication with your audience.

While there are numerous free stock photography sites you can use, here are a few reasons to consider paying a small fee to license the images you want:

  • Your rights on free images are...
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Can You Make Your Product into a Hot Selling Kindle Book?

VidPenguin Productions
Can You Make Your Product into a Hot Selling Kindle Book?

It’s disheartening to spend weeks creating the perfect product that people don’t buy. You were sure it would be a hot seller, yet your sales are nowhere to be found.

Now imagine you’re writing a book for Kindle, hoping that Amazon and readers alike will love it enough to make it a bestseller.

The criteria that make a hot selling product isn’t all that different from what’s needed to make a Kindle book fly off of Amazon.

1: You’ve got to be in a pre-existing...

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Content Creators: How to Write 5,000 Words per Day

If 5,000 words sound like a crazy high number, you’re not alone.

Even when they’re trying to be super productive in their writing, most people generally won’t write more than 2,000 words on a good day.

Yet when I put the pedal to the metal, I can do 5,000 or even more.

How do I do it?

First, I take a few moments to relax. Yes, seriously, I sit in my favorite chair, get comfortable, and relax my entire body.

Next, I set my intention to write X number of words in the following...

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7 Free Traffic Strategies that Convert

Maybe you're just starting, and you don't have money to pay for traffic. What can you do to get eyeballs on your offers and start making sales as quickly as possible without paying money upfront?

Here are seven methods that are proven to work. Choose whichever one makes the most sense for you, get started, and within days you can begin making sales.

1: Do Expert Roundups.

Ask a bunch of experts the same question and put all of their answers into an expert roundup article. This can be any and...

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Case Study: $50,000 Per Year with Newsletters

First of all, I’ve got to tell you that the $50,000 a year number is crazy super conservative. This gal, Judy, is earning more than that, but I wanted to make it realistic looking for even the newest marketer.

Okay, how does Judy (not her real name) pull in well over $50,000 a year with a monthly newsletter while spending only about 10 hours on it per month?

She promotes the newsletter to every person who joins her list when they join. This means when she’s giving away a lead...

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The Trick for Writing Powerful Headlines

Can’t Write Headlines?

Writing powerful headlines that capture attention, draw the reader into your copy, and SELL is tough.

It takes work. Trial and error. Brainstorming. Research.

What is this product really about? What is the ONE significant slam-dunk benefit? How do you convey this benefit in a little headline?

I sense you’re getting stressed just thinking about it. Or maybe that’s me projecting onto you because I feel the same way.

Writing headlines is HARD for one...

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$5,000 a Month Mini-Case Study Using Other Peopleā€™s Kindle Books

Although it might sound a little strange to some, it is actually quite logical.

Regardless of the person who is instructing, instructions for how to do something are usually similar.

You could have ten internet marketers teaching you how to maximize your Facebook advertising dollars. Despite the fact that 10 people created the courses, it is likely that some of their information will be similar.

Mark, not his real name, buys "how to" books on Kindle. He then uses the content for creating paid...

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The #1 Way to Cure Email Blindness and Get Your Emails READ

Your prospect opens your email…

Reads the first few sentences…

And then DELETES your email IN FRUSTRATION.


Because your first few sentences didn’t match the subject line and it confused and frustrated them.

The email felt like a waste of time…

Like maybe the subject line was clickbait.

It’s like opening the door to a chocolate shop and finding lawn mowers.


“Where’s the chocolate??!”

“This can’t be...

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3 Tweaks You Can Make on Your Call-To-Actions to Instantly Increase Email Revenue

When you’re talking about an email you’re sending to your list, the call to action is when you say, “Hey Reader, click this link to get a once in a lifetime deal” or some such.

The more you can get your readers to click the links you put in your emails, the more traffic you send to your offers.

The more traffic you send to your offers, the more sales you can make. Usually. Okay, there is an exception to this rule, and it’s if you don’t set up your email and...

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