VidPenguin Productions Blog

Why Your New Subscriber Didnā€™t Receive Your Download Link

You get a new subscriber, but they don’t receive your confirmation email. Or maybe they get that one, but they don’t get the following email with the download link.

Was it your fault?

Probably not.

Online marketers email a lot.

And we’re used to a handful of people being jerks – subscribing, grabbing the freebie, and then complaining we’ve spammed them.

But email reputation works both ways these days, and someone who does that is hurting themselves more than you....

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The #1 Way to Cure Email Blindness and Get Your Emails READ

Your prospect opens your email…

Reads the first few sentences…

And then DELETES your email IN FRUSTRATION.


Because your first few sentences didn’t match the subject line and it confused and frustrated them.

The email felt like a waste of time…

Like maybe the subject line was clickbait.

It’s like opening the door to a chocolate shop and finding lawn mowers.


“Where’s the chocolate??!”

“This can’t be...

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3 Tweaks You Can Make on Your Call-To-Actions to Instantly Increase Email Revenue

When you’re talking about an email you’re sending to your list, the call to action is when you say, “Hey Reader, click this link to get a once in a lifetime deal” or some such.

The more you can get your readers to click the links you put in your emails, the more traffic you send to your offers.

The more traffic you send to your offers, the more sales you can make. Usually. Okay, there is an exception to this rule, and it’s if you don’t set up your email and...

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Make Your Email Subject Clickable with these 57 Teaser Prompts

Hopefully, you’re sending 6 or 7 emails to your list each week for maximum exposure, relationship building, and sales.

But if you are, you already know the greatest obstacle – coming up with new ideas on what to put in your emails.

Here is a list of writing prompts you can use to help you find ideas and keep your emails interesting and relevant.

After all, the better your emails, the more likely they are to be consistently opened, read, and acted upon.

Here we go…

  1. A list...
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Are you FTC Compliant with Your Email Marketing?


The FTC rigorously enforces laws for email compliance. Ensure that your strategy is aligned with the CAN-SPAM Act so that you’re not exposed to potential lawsuits.

Here are the rules that businesses must follow:

  • Don’t use false or misleading header information.
    Your “From,” “To,” “Reply-To,” and routing information — including the originating domain name and email address — must be accurate and identify the person or business who...
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Learn How to Automate Your Marketing Efforts: 12 Tips and Tools | RSSMasher


If your marketing efforts are taking up too much time or feel like the work is never-ending, it might be time to automate them. With the use of tools and tactics, all of your marketing can be automated!

Marketing Automation is a powerful tool that allows you to set up an automatic process for sending emails, social media posts, and other online interactions with visitors to your website.


This post will show you how to get started with marketing automation by providing 12 tips...

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