VidPenguin Productions Blog

The Secret to Selling PLR Licenses

PLR or private label rights don’t always enjoy the best reputation. Most marketers figure PLR was written by someone who either doesn’t speak English well or has no background in the subject matter. The PLR is often cobbled together with a lousy sales letter and amateur graphics and sold as a package to unsuspecting marketers.

Is that how you view PLR? If so, it’s no wonder. Many PLR packages aren’t worth the money, which is why potential buyers are leery of new...

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Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR - Product Review

plr review video Feb 25, 2020

You may have seen a lot of hype around Nick James’ Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR lately. They have just released their 100th issue and Nick is celebrating by offering a huge discount to new members.

You might be wondering if this is any good and worth joining. I’m going to give you my full unbiased review here, but the short version is… yes, it’s definitely worth joining this while the discount is still available!

However, this is obviously not a good fit for all...

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How to Turn a $7 Sale into a $1,000 Sale

Here’s something most marketers never do, which is a shame. They’re losing a great deal of money because of it.

What happens when you purchase a $7 ebook or a $19 video, and you have a question? You email the person who sold it, and one of two things occurs… either their assistant answers you or you get ignored.

Go ahead and try it, I dare you. 9 times out of 10, or perhaps even more often than that, you will never hear from the product creator herself.

Yet what happens if...

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10 things you can do with the Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR content

plr video Sep 03, 2019
  1. Use your private label rights to cut the contents into social media and blog posts
  2. Create your own iTunes podcast with the included monthly Audio PLR Interviews of the top professionals in the marketing world. Instant Credibility…
  3. Use the “1 click and done” system to rebrand the Newsletter as your own and include your own affiliate links in the CTA’s.
  4. Use the “Unfair Advantage Swipe Files” in your emails and subject lines to get a professional copywriter...
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