VidPenguin Productions Blog

27 of the Highest Paying Recurring Billing Programs on ClickBank

Don’t you love programs where you get surprise checks from sales you made months ago?

These are the highest paying recurring billing affiliate programs on Clickbank in software, self-improvement, and jobs. Why would you do all the work to make a sale and only get paid once when you can get paid over and over again? That’s what I love about recurring billing.

Just a note: I am in no way endorsing any of these programs, so please do your own research and only recommend programs you...

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How to Spy on Top Affiliates

Would you like to know how the highest-ranking affiliates are making their sales?

Here’s how to find out:

Research the top-selling evergreen products at places like JVZoo and Warrior Plus. See who is winning the leaderboard competitions and then get on their lists.

You might have to do a little Googling to locate their sites, blogs, squeeze pages, but it’s not that difficult.

Join their lists and then watch their emails.

You’ll see how they warm their lists as well as the...

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Highest Paying ClickBank Recurring Programs in the Relationship Niche

Don’t you just love programs where you make the sale once and get paid over and over again?

These are the highest paying recurring billing affiliate programs on Clickbank in the relationship niche. Even during a pandemic, relationship info is HOT and people will pay top money to discover the secrets to having and keeping a relationship. The ‘average rebill’ amounts you see below are straight from Clickbank, and I have to admit the first one knocked my socks off. $2500? WOW!...

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Here is an easy way to make "2nd tier" affiliate income

Here’s a great system for earning $3,000 a Month in passive income.

You’re already familiar with regular affiliate programs, but did you know there are two-tier affiliate programs as well?

For example, you introduce a fellow affiliate to a product on a two-tier affiliate program. They sign up to promote it from the link you give them, and then 10% of all their sales goes to you.

That’s right – you make a commission on everything they sell because you signed them up for...

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