VidPenguin Productions Blog

Whatโ€™s the Difference Between a Logo and a Brand - Seth Godin

Ask a consumer what's the difference between a logo and brand, and they'll probably guess they're the same thing.

Ask a marketer the same question, and the answers will vary wildly. Frankly, I don't think most marketers know the difference, and I'm not criticizing. There was a time when I had no clue, either, because unless someone breaks it down for you – not with some B.S. marketing-ese taught in school but with a real-world answer – it's confusing.

And so, I turned to a video...

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Gaining the Invisible Edge

Some online marketers just naturally do far better than others. Why is that?

They get heard, they are remembered from one week to the next, they are followed socially online and they sell stuff. A LOT of stuff.

So the question is, how do they stand out from everyone else in their niche? How do they keep from looking like everyone else, and thus becoming nearly invisible like everyone else? I’ve been watching, and here are three things I’ve noticed that they all have in common and...

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