VidPenguin Productions Blog

Marketing Persuasion 2.0

5 MORE Scientifically Proven Ways to Sell More Stuff with Less Effort

Last month I gave you ten ways to be more persuasive and sell more stuff.

This month we continue the series with five more ways to persuade your prospects to become your customers, including a method for completely changing a person's mind, which is not always an easy thing to do.

And you can use these methods in your personal life, too. Want to convince your kid to do his chores without protesting or your spouse to agree...

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Whatโ€™s the Difference Between a Logo and a Brand - Seth Godin

Ask a consumer what's the difference between a logo and brand, and they'll probably guess they're the same thing.

Ask a marketer the same question, and the answers will vary wildly. Frankly, I don't think most marketers know the difference, and I'm not criticizing. There was a time when I had no clue, either, because unless someone breaks it down for you – not with some B.S. marketing-ese taught in school but with a real-world answer – it's confusing.

And so, I turned to a video...

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Case Study: Make Money No Matter WHAT The Market Does

This one is clever and a bit sinister, and frankly, maybe I shouldn’t love it, but I do.

The gal who does this specializes in the stock market, but this will work in any financial market. Think Bitcoin and all the other cryptocurrencies, every stock market, commodities market, gold and silver, rare coins… anything that people invest in making money.

Here’s what Jill did…

She bought several books on the stock market. These were current books that were published within...

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10 Scientifically Proven Ways to Sell More Stuff with Less Effort

It’s the ultimate marketing dream: Press a button, send an email, and money comes pouring into your bank account.

But before that can happen, a lot of work needs to go into things like finding or creating the right products for the right audience, finding that audience, and then convincing them they want to buy what you want to sell.

Which is where we jump in today – how do you convince people to buy? How can persuasiveness become second nature to you so that no matter what you do...

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Growth Hacking: More Traffic, More Customers through Integrations

If you’ve never considered integrating your business with another service or product that your customers are already using, you might want to take notice of this trend.

Companies and entrepreneurs are teaming up with non-competing entities to reach the same customers, massively increase traffic and sales and keep their customers around for much longer.

Here’s how it works:

Step 1: Know who your customers are.

If you don’t know who your customers are, then there’s no...

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10 Page Tweaks that Massively Increase Conversions

Some of these are so commonly known; you’ve probably heard of them before.

But the real question is, are you doing them?

Others are less known but crazy effective.

And all of these have been tested and proven on working landing pages and elsewhere.

Ready? Let’s get started…


1: Add a call to action within each section.

If your landing page is long enough to scroll, it needs multiple calls to action. Each section should provide a button the prospect can click to...

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