VidPenguin Productions Blog

How to Double Your Income with this Simple Little Notebook Trick

Anytime and every time you do anything in your business, write it down.

Found a new resource? A new shortcut? A new market? Had a brilliant idea? Or even a crazy idea? Write it all down.

If you try something and it works, write it down. If it didn’t work, write that down, too.

It doesn’t matter what your niche is. The point is to keep track of everything you do in your business.

Then when something pays off big, you have three options:

  1. Follow the steps in your notebook to...
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Using Pinterest Treasure Hunts to Drive Traffic


Here’s an interesting idea I observed in action last week… 

Plan out an online treasure hunt using several images. 

Then contact a few of your partners and ask each one to pin an image on their Pinterest board. Each image gives a clue to the next image in the treasure hunt. 

Publish a blog post about the promotion along with a link to the first image. Fans then go from image to image by following the clues. The last image forwards them to a hidden page where they...

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