Have you ever seen London in the snow?
On normal days, London is not dissimilar to any other sprawling metropolis dotted around the globe. Compared to some it might have more history, it may look antiquated and quaint. But it has certain similarities to all of them, hundreds of thousands commute into London for work every day, some may live there, some not, some will socialise there, some not, there are people living and working in London that grew up there or have come from near and far,...
Living a life of significance is the foundation to a successful thriving business.
It’s all about deepening your compassion and ability to understand others.
Let’s say that two entrepreneurs start businesses on the same day in the same industry. One entrepreneur is out to make a good profit and sell his business in 10 to 20 years so he can retire on the beach.
The second entrepreneur has a vision of helping his hometown by bringing back jobs and pride to the community. He’s...
RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and it’s is a simple, standardized content distribution method that can help you stay up-to-date with your favorite newscasts, blogs, websites, and social media channels.
Instead of visiting sites to find new posts or subscribing to sites to receive notification of new posts, find the RSS feed on a website and read new posts in an RSS reader.
In March 1999, Netscape created RDF Site Summary which was the first...
You’re already familiar with social media management – actively posting and monitoring your client’s social media. You’ve got to not only make and schedule posts, but you’ve also got to answer everyone who reaches out via social media.
But there is a similar service you can offer that is far less time intensive, and that’s creating and scheduling content for businesses.
Take Facebook for example. Once a month, you create 60 posts for their page, and...
Here’s a great system for earning $3,000 a Month in passive income.
You’re already familiar with regular affiliate programs, but did you know there are two-tier affiliate programs as well?
For example, you introduce a fellow affiliate to a product on a two-tier affiliate program. They sign up to promote it from the link you give them, and then 10% of all their sales goes to you.
That’s right – you make a commission on everything they sell because you signed them up for...
Here’s something most marketers never do, which is a shame. They’re losing a great deal of money because of it.
What happens when you purchase a $7 ebook or a $19 video, and you have a question? You email the person who sold it, and one of two things occurs… either their assistant answers you or you get ignored.
Go ahead and try it, I dare you. 9 times out of 10, or perhaps even more often than that, you will never hear from the product creator herself.
Yet what happens if...
Okay, I have nothing against the silver crowd. In fact, I am a few years from being one too!
But just today I was reminded that many in the older generation have a built-in fear of all things electronic.
While they feel perfectly safe sending a check through the mail, or giving a check (which has their routing and account numbers on it for all to see) to a strange clerk in a store, they will balk and putting their credit card number into an encrypted, highly secure website.
Go figure.
I was watching a 1945 black and white movie called “Her Favorite Patient,” starring Ruth Hussey.
Remember, 1945 was the last year of the second world war.
The movie begins with Ruth driving down a country road. She sees a Marine in full uniform hitchhiking and stops to pick him up.
“Where ya headed?” asks the Marine.
“Chicago,” she says. “At least, eventually.”
“Me too, although I’ve got to get there before then.”
If you’re marketing online, it’s imperative that you master the language of marketing in order to maximize your results.
That’s right – knowing the language of marketing can actually increase your income. For example, if you don’t know what A/B testing is, then you’re not doing it. And if you’re not testing, I can almost guarantee you are losing sales that rightfully should be yours.
Just like any other profession or business, there is a learning...
They used to say, “The money is in the list.” And that’s still true. But perhaps the REAL money these days is hidden someplace else. Somewhere you might not be looking…
Jeff Walker, in a recent video, confessed that he is a “numbers geek.” Meaning he likes to pour over the numbers in his business to find out what’s working. And it tends to be the most important time he spends on his business, too.
Here is a stat he says will change your business:...