VidPenguin Productions Blog

When Typos Cost You Money (and my simple fix)

I just received an email from a well-known online marketer. The guy has been in the business at least 20 years and makes significant bank – or at least I assume he does – who knows.

Look, I get it that proofreading is boring. It sucks. Who wants to take the time, right? I’ve probably published more mistakes than anyone.

But… some mistakes can be far more costly than others.

I clicked over from the email to his sales letter which was interesting for more than just the...

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Do You Hate Paying for Advertising?

advertising strategies Aug 14, 2020

It’s great when we can use free advertising to make sales, right?

Like when affiliates send you traffic.

Oh, wait… you have to PAY those affiliates.

Okay, but when you do guest posting, and appear on podcasts, and haunt forums and do all those other things that are free…

Except all of that takes TIME. And it may – or may not – send you the traffic you seek.


What if we thought of advertising as an investment?

Let’s say you invest in real...

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Weird Website Trick Increases Conversions in Any Market

You’re going to think this is too simple to work.

Big mistake.

Certain website designs attract certain target markets. The design that attracts gardeners, for example, is going to be different than the design that attracts electrical engineers.

Knowing this, the question becomes, “How do you design a website that you KNOW will attract your target market like no other?”

And how do you do this without a lot of market research, testing, trial and error and so forth?


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When Your Competitors Don’t Play Fair

Rule #1 of online marketing… there aren’t nearly as many rules as you might think.

Rule #2 of online marketing… some people will do things that really should be against the rules. And sometimes these things will really make you mad.

Rule #3 of online marketing… you can’t change what they do and getting mad won’t help. But what you can do is sleep well at night.

Here’s what I’m talking about:

Within the ‘make money online’ niche,...

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#1 Problem Plaguing New Launches (and How to Fix it)

product launch Aug 04, 2020

If you were to guess the #1 problem marketers face when launching a new product – what would you say?

Not having enough information?

There are products, courses and programs galore that teach how to create and launch a new product.

Lack of technical know-how?

Anyone can hire the technical help they need online.

The #1 reason why marketers – and especially new marketers – fail to launch new products is fear.

Not fear that they will screw up, or fear that the launch will be a...

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Clickbank Recurring Billing IM Programs

This is a list of the top paying Clickbank programs in the online marketing niche with recurring billing. Sell them once, get paid over and over again. And since it’s Clickbank, even new marketers can get signed up and promoting right away. Average rebill amounts are according to Clickbank.

Please note, I’m sharing these strictly because they are the highest paying. I don’t personally endorse any of them, so please do your own due diligence. (That said, in my humble opinion...

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Bookshop Pays Affiliates 10%

Bookshop was founded to support independent bookstores and save them from going under because of a certain online retailer.

And it’s worth noting that Amazon is continuously changing the rules and lowering commissions, too. Enough said.

Bookshop distributes earnings through a pooled fund to give profits to digital storefronts of local stores.

Bookshop’s affiliate program is open to everyone and pays a higher royalty on affiliate book sales than Amazon does – 10% on any books...

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Creating a Website You Can Sell for $500,000

Imagine you build a website, drive traffic, monetize the heck out of it, list build, drive more traffic, and then sell the whole thing off.

How much can you get?

That’s going to depend on a lot of factors, including the niche you’ve chosen, how big and responsive your email list is, and how much money your website earns. Usually, ordinary money-making websites are valued at 2x or 3x annual income. But if you’ve built a large responsive list to go with the site, you can...

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The Simple Jeff Walker 6-Figure Blueprint

Can you imagine making six figures from writing just ONE report?

Believe it or not, that’s essentially how many marketers do earn six figures or even seven figures.

No doubt, you’ve seen marketers launch an excellent $10 product that sells like crazy.

And then they do it again. And again. And again.

They come up with a topic, write a report, or create a product, do everything necessary to launch it, and then start all over again.

That’s work.

But let’s say you write...

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An IM Lesson from a Hollywood Has-Been

If I told you his name, you would probably recognize it. You might even wonder whatever happened to him.

For a while, he was the hottest thing in Hollywood. Every movie he did turned to gold. He was fawned over by Hollywood producers, and everyone either wanted to be him, to sleep with him, or cast him as the star in their next movie.

But all of this fame went straight to his head. He drank too much and did too many drugs.

And worst of all, he thought he was the greatest thing on the planet.

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