VidPenguin Productions Blog

9 tips for becoming a pro at flipping your mindset to the positive side of life


Setting aside every self-help book out there, I’d like to propose the theory that there is ONE thing you need to be successful and that you are already in possession of this thing.

You don’t know it yet.

Ten years ago, two marketers started their online journey. They both endured similar pitfalls and setbacks.

One went on to make millions.

The other one failed miserably and worked a 9 to 5 job.

What made the difference?

The mind-flip.

Imagine you have a switch in your brain, and...

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How to Raise Prices without Angering Customers

How to Raise Prices without Angering Customers

And How to Lower Prices Without Previous Customers Throwing a Fit

I once knew a marketer who wouldn’t lower his prices no matter what. He lived in constant terror that old customers would be mad that the course they bought last month or last year for $197 now cost $97. Heck, they might even demand a refund of the price difference. I’m pretty sure he imagined that every one of his customers was sitting at the computer just waiting for...

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Here is Super Simple Business Model for Content Creators


This will only work if you like to write emails and create products, or whether you're able to outsource email composing and product development.

But this is so straightforward and clean; I thought it's worth mentioning.
There is a gal I know who never, actually promotes affiliate merchandise to her list. She just won't do it.

Rather, she only promotes her products.
Every day she writes and sends out a new email to her list.
Then when she is done marketing that one, she'll proceed to another...

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30 Minute Micro-Memberships with NO Product

You can add a super easy micro-recurring membership to your income in about 30 minutes, start to finish.

This assumes you already have some sort of product you’re selling as well as the ability to do a ‘bump’ upsell on the order form or create an upsell page.

A bump upsell is where you add a product to your order page with a tick box. The customer clicks the box to add the item to their order, and that’s it – it’s added with one click.

If your payment...

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The Secret to Selling PLR Licenses

PLR or private label rights don’t always enjoy the best reputation. Most marketers figure PLR was written by someone who either doesn’t speak English well or has no background in the subject matter. The PLR is often cobbled together with a lousy sales letter and amateur graphics and sold as a package to unsuspecting marketers.

Is that how you view PLR? If so, it’s no wonder. Many PLR packages aren’t worth the money, which is why potential buyers are leery of new...

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How to Spy on Top Affiliates

Would you like to know how the highest-ranking affiliates are making their sales?

Here’s how to find out:

Research the top-selling evergreen products at places like JVZoo and Warrior Plus. See who is winning the leaderboard competitions and then get on their lists.

You might have to do a little Googling to locate their sites, blogs, squeeze pages, but it’s not that difficult.

Join their lists and then watch their emails.

You’ll see how they warm their lists as well as the...

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6 Bullet Point Tips

1: Just like a headline, each bullet point should express a clear benefit.

2: When possible, keep your bullet points symmetrical. Make them all one line each, or two lines. Use short headlines of 1-4 words for each one, or don’t use headlines, and so forth. This makes it easier on the eyes and easier to read.

3: Keep your bullets clean and uncluttered. Without exception they must always be easy to read, or why even bother using bullet points?

4: Each section of bullet points should have...

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How to Crush It With Your Complimentary Blogposts and Articles

I'm always amazed at how marketers think free content and paid articles are two entirely different things. That fact is, your most successful blog posts and newsletter articles can make you more money than many of the products you've promoted.


The key is to pay attention to how your content is received.

One can attract the most attention when people comment on and forward the posts.

A little 200-word article that gets great feedback is trying to tell you that you...

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How to Get Experts to Write Your Blogposts for You

Allow Me to preface this by Alerting you that the Best Selling instrument in all of the world is not the worldwide web, sales letters or revenue videos, or word of mouth.

It is a story.

Stories market like nothing else since We're hard wired to hear and love tales. It is in our bodies. Think about a crude guy coming back from a search and telling everybody in the camp that a saber tooth tiger murdered bob's narrative in the northeast valley. 

Do you think anybody would venture...

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How One Simple Story Could Make You A Million Dollars

We talk a lot about storytelling in marketing, but what’s the meaning of it all?

One simple story – the right story – can turn an unsuccessful business into a success and a successful business into a behemoth of customers and sales.

Stories are 22 times more memorable than facts and figures alone.

And our neural activity increases five times when listening to a story.

Storytelling lights up the brain's sensory cortex, allowing the listener to feel, hear, taste, and even...

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