VidPenguin Productions Blog

How to Turn LinkedIn Conversations into Clients


This is a new way to think about LinkedIn. A totally untapped market of B2B leads AND the right way to contact and close them. 

Join me on this interview with Tobin Slavin. He has grown his own LinkedIn account from 417 to over 3000+ connections in the last 100 days.

In addition, Tobin has developed a repeatable system to get dozens of calls with new client inquiries each month, using a "Non-Salesy" approach that is more psychology than technology.


Here is the link...

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5 Video SEO Tips for 2019

ranking seo tips video seo Oct 22, 2018

Search engines consider video content to be a marker of useful websites. To give your website the best chance at ranking well in search, you need to put more video content online. If you follow the 5 tips we’ve included below, you’ll improve your search rank and keep visitors on your website longer.

Here are my 5 SEO Tips for Video Content On Your Website in 2019

1. Metadata really matters

Rich metadata is one of the best methods to increase the ranking of your video content in...

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[VIDEO] Why won't Google rank my video on Page 1?


Google likes to rank YouTube videos in great spots on many different keywords. However, there are times when Google's algorithm will NOT rank videos on the first page.

Here is how Google shows you that they will not rank a video on page 1 of a keyword search.

If you want to learn more about how you can rank local sites in the 3 pack as a monthly recurring service. check out my other blog post here...

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Pro Video Marketers Newsletter #9 - B2B Lead Gen edition

Newsletter 9 (web version)

Pro Video Marketing Tips #9

This week's newsletter is all about B2B selling and lead generation. As a marketer, your main goal is to either make the phone ring or get an email lead for your clients.

With the rules constantly changing on FB and Google, along with shortened attention spans of your online prospects, you have to be current on what's working now! 

I encourage you to take some time this week to check out the articles that I've included in this newsletter. They...
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15 Lead Magnet Ideas to Grow Your Email List in 2019


Today's B2B buyers are pickier than ever when it comes to branded content. DemandGen Report's annual survey found that 88 percent want lead magnets which focus more on business benefits, while 75 percent want more data-driven content.

Building trust with B2B buyers may be more challenging than ever, but high-value lead magnets can create a steady stream of qualified prospects.


15 B2B Lead Magnet Ideas for 2019

To inspire your B2B content strategy, we've curated a list of high-returns...

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Pro Video Marketers Newsletter #8 - SEO Tips Edition

newsletter quizzes seo tips Oct 10, 2018
VPP-Newsletter 8 - web version
Pro Video Marketing Tips #8

Okay this week is all about SEO for video marketers.

I found some great articles on SEO and strategies you can use immediately to rank your blog posts and websites. Plus, I read this great article on “25  Sneaky Online Tools and Gadgets to Help You Spy on Your Competitors”.

I use three of these tools myself on a weekly basis to track rankings and keywords.

Also you’ll find a great article on how Google is...

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Pro Video Marketers Newsletter #7

newsletter Oct 03, 2018
Newsletter 7 - web opst version
Pro Video Marketing Tips #7

In this issue, it’s all about content marketing and turning this content into video marketing powerhouse. Plus, I share a private training class I did for my mastermind group about one of the methods that I use to automate viral content to hundreds of Facebook fan pages.

Did you know that using video with your blog content can get you 3 times more views back to your website? And... when combined with YouTube embeds and cross...

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Some of the Best Facebook Ads Training

Facebook Ads Master Training

This is a compilation of some of the best facebook advertising training (from AdEspresso) that I've gone through myself. I made this post as a hadny reference source for all the video marketers that want to up there game on Facebook ads.
Damon Nelson
The Facebook Advertising beginner's guide will teach you how to get started with Facebook Ads....
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Pro Video Marketers Newsletter #6

newsletter Sep 26, 2018
VPP - Newsletter 6 (Web version)
Pro Video Marketing Tips #6

This week is all about Green Screen Studios and how to light them correctly. Plus, I throw in a few tips on how to light your home studio.

You’ll also find some great articles on how to use storytelling to build your video brand. And one of these is from an ex Saturday Night Live writer, where he reveals some of his best secrets to improve videos with storytelling.

The training tip this week, you’ll discover 3 ways create...

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Pro Video Marketers Newsletter #5

newsletter Sep 19, 2018
Copy of VPP - Newsletter 5
Pro Video Marketing Tips #5

Welcome back to newsletter # 5. This week you’re going to discover some really cool Facebook cover videos to give you some great inspiration for doing your own video. I also found a great article on how to create the perfect Facebook video marketing strategy.

For those video marketers that really want to ramp up your video game, this week’s recommendation will give you professional HD videos in just 2 clicks.
And for all...

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