VidPenguin Productions Blog

3 Reasons People Wonā€™t Buy from You

marketing tips selling Sep 21, 2020

What if your prospects aren’t buying from you? Assuming they’re seeing your offer, the reason they’re not buying is one of the following: 

1: They don’t want what you’re offering. You will never sell these people.  

Go find the people who WANT your product or find a product your people want. 

2: They literally don’t have the money or credit to buy what you’re offering. They want it, and if they had the money, they would buy...

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Tips on How to Use Hashtags to Drive More Traffic

Hashtags organize social media according to conversations and topics, making it easier for you to find your target market for your brand. 

To like, retweet, and reply to posts under several hashtags, use a social media monitoring tool such as Hootsuite. Hashtagify can also help you find other hashtags that are related to the one you’re targeting. 

Now here’s the tricky part: Not all hashtags are to be treated the same on every channel. For example: 


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Using Pinterest Treasure Hunts to Drive Traffic


Here’s an interesting idea I observed in action last week… 

Plan out an online treasure hunt using several images. 

Then contact a few of your partners and ask each one to pin an image on their Pinterest board. Each image gives a clue to the next image in the treasure hunt. 

Publish a blog post about the promotion along with a link to the first image. Fans then go from image to image by following the clues. The last image forwards them to a hidden page where they...

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Clickbank Fitness, Diet and Health Recurring Billing Programs

Don’t you just love programs where you make the sale once and get paid over and over again? 

And what’s not to love about the fitness and health niche, too? It’s expanding faster than people’s waistlines, to the tune of $100 billion dollars on a global, annual basis. 

Your customers are desperate to lose weight which is why they buy your products. If they do lose the weight, you can then sell them fitness...

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How Big Brands are Generating 1000 of Leads on a Daily Basis - Secret Revealed

lead gen quizzes tips Sep 13, 2020

If you keep a tab on what’s trending, then you must have heard about how quizzes are one of the most engaging content types. Yes, that’s true!

Nowadays, quizzes are used to engage potential customers. It is by asking them questions concerning their interests.

Surprising Quiz Facts That Will Make You Take Notice!

You would be amazed to know that an average quiz gets shared on Facebook for up to 2,000 times.
Quizzes provide you with user-generated insights on how your audience is...

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5 Reasons Why Your Site isnā€™t Ranking in Google

seo seo strategies Sep 11, 2020

Sometimes even small changes can make a big difference in getting traffic through the SERPS. 

1: Your content doesn’t connect with visitors 

Buyers want to be heard, understood, and helped. Most of all, they need to feel they can trust the content on your website, or they will leave. 

If your content is nothing but, “We are the BEST! Buy from US!” Then why would anyone trust it? 

If the end goal of your site is to make sales, start by...

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How to Get Plenty of Affiliates with Zero Hassle

As anyone who’s tried it knows, recruiting affiliates for a product launch can be a real pain. 

Some affiliates have large egos and even bigger demands for your time and your money. 

“I want a bigger commission.” (They ask this no matter how much you’re paying, btw. I think they read it in an affiliate how-to manual.) 

“I want you to promote my products to your list in return for me promoting your product.” (Now you ...

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How to Earn 5 Income Streams from One Paid Printed Newsletter

While everyone else has a free e-newsletter or even a paid online newsletter, you might consider going in the opposite direction and having a PRINT newsletter.

You can use a mailing service to print and mail the newsletter for you, making it a hands-off operation once you send them your new issue and updated mailing list.

Formatting the issue is something you can hire out.

Even writing the articles can be outsourced if you don’t want to do it yourself.

But why would you want to do a...

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Online Marketers: The One Simple Shift that will Catapult You to Success

It’s my opinion that any online marketer - regardless of niche - who doesn’t do the following is essentially hiking up a rocky mountain barefoot when s/he could be taking the ski lift.

Online marketing boils down to this: We either create our own products or choose affiliate products, and then we spend our precious time, energy and money getting people to BUY those products.

But only a relatively small percentage of marketers make the one simple shift that will catapult them to...

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How to Sell Products at a Ridiculous Markup

I’d love to call this a case study, but I don’t have enough info to do that. What I can say is that this must be making money or they wouldn’t keep doing it.

Lately, my Adblocker isn’t always working correctly on YouTube, which is why I suddenly see ads appear before my videos, and it’s been a real learning experience for me. If you have an ad blocker, you might disable it for a few days to see what you’ve been missing.

Recently I watched a YouTube video...

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