VidPenguin Productions Blog

Pandemic Readers’ Unprecedented Demand for These Items

motivation pandemic May 11, 2020

What is it that readers are searching for like crazy right now?

Hint: It’s not toilet paper.

It’s not the latest novel or diet book, either.

According to National Geographic, demand for this right now is unlike anything they’ve seen before.

Upworthy has seen an unprecedented level of growth for this in the past four weeks, with a 65% growth in followers on Instagram and a 47% increase in on-site page views in March. 

We are, of course, talking about good news.


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7 Strategies to Begin Earning a Real Income Online in 30 Days

lists marketing strategies May 04, 2020

Has the pandemic temporarily canceled your job? Here are seven ways to start building an online income that can be reasonably impervious to pandemics, layoffs, or anything else the future might throw at you.

Please note: The 30-day timeline is somewhat arbitrary. When done right, some of these can begin generating income is far less than 30 days. Some might take a little longer. And all will depend on your execution. As they say, your results may vary.

How much can you earn? That will depend...

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Do These 5 Things and The World is Yours

books influence success May 01, 2020

These are five things your customers want from you.

These are also five things that your spouse wants from you…

…your children want from you

…and your friends, coworkers, neighbors, and bosses want from you.

And they are the 5 things that YOU want, as well.

This comes from a book titled, “The One Sentence Persuasion Course – 27 Words to Make the World do Your Bidding” by Blair Warren. I highly, HIGHLY encourage you to read it.

Because while I will share...

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Maybe The Super Successful Aren’t as Smart as We Think

marketers opportunities Apr 29, 2020

Most people who achieve extraordinary success are not extraordinary themselves. We might think they are geniuses, but it turns out they are typically of average intelligence.

What makes the difference, then, if it’s not how smart they are?

Most successful people simply hang in there. There’s no trick or secret formula. It’s a matter of deciding what you want, starting, and then never stopping until you reach your goal.

This explains why nearly all successful people have had...

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What is a Marketer Supposed to Do when Everyone is FREAKING OUT about a World Pandemic and the Economy is in the Toilet?

motivation Apr 28, 2020

Are you a Phoenix in the making? I certainly hope so.

Greek mythology tells the tale of an enormous feathered creature with talons and wings, its plumage radiant and beautiful. The Phoenix lived for 500 years before it built its funeral pyre, burst into flame and died, consumed in its fiery inferno.

But soon after, the mythical creature rose out of the ashes in a transformation from death to life.

This story of rebirth has been retold countless times throughout history, but my favorite...

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How to Make $50 a Click with a Blog

It used to be (way back in the day) that you could toss up any old website with junk content, slap on some Google Ads, and make money.

People were putting up hundreds of these websites and making bank, until one day, without warning, Google slapped all of these folks back into the stone age.

It seems Google didn’t like the junk content on the sites, and frankly, Google had a good point.

After that, it was a lot harder to make money with Google ads on your site, even with good content....

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How to Make Your Launches Far More Profitable

launches selling funnels Apr 06, 2020

Back in the day we saw tons of launches that were just one product. The product launcher kept 50% of the revenue and paid 50% to affiliates.

Next, we saw launches with upsells. The product owner might pay affiliates 100% on the front-end product and split the backend profits 50/50 with affiliates.

These days, we’re seeing more and more launches where the affiliates earn 100% of the initial sale AND the upsells, too.

Why in the world are the product launchers doing this?


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Selling Flexible Coaching

coaching selling strategies Apr 01, 2020

It can be difficult to schedule a time each week with a coaching client. They work full time, they’re in a different part time zone and so forth.

Plus, many clients don’t need an hour every week. They might need an hour now, and then not need your time again until 3 weeks later once they’ve implemented everything they learned on that first call.

If you’re trying to sell coaching by having them book their time first and then pay, you’re essentially putting up a...

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What NOT to Do When Selling

marketing tips selling Mar 30, 2020

I was on a conference call the other day for what you might call a hot new niche in selling.

And frankly, I was pretty excited. True, the person doing the call was having a bit of trouble getting to the offer. And when he finally got to the proposal, he spent an awful lot of time telling the listeners how great it was.

Maybe TOO much time.

Have you ever been “over-sold?” It’s when the person doing the selling winds up selling too much, and you decide not to buy a product you...

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It Took 21 Failures to Earn $100K in 5 Months

ecommerce motivational Mar 27, 2020

Benny Hsu bought a course on how to make money designing and selling t-shirts. Soon he had his first t-shirt designed and uploaded, ready to sell.

He set a Facebook ad budget at $10. If no one bought his shirt at the end of his $10 spend, he would stop. No one bought.

But he liked the process, so he tried again.

In fact, he tried 20 times more with 20 new t-shirt designs and 20 new ad campaigns. On each one he spent $10 to test it out, and still no one was buying.

Well, that’s not...

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