VidPenguin Productions Blog

10 Fresh Ideas for Your Next Joint Venture

VidPenguin Productions
10 Fresh Ideas for Your Next Joint Venture

When some people think of a joint venture, they immediately think of two marketers co-endorsing each other’s products, often for a cut of the profits. In other words, glorified affiliates.

Sure, that’s one way to partner up for mutual benefits with others in your niche. But there are so many other ways to do it that you’ll miss out on traffic, subscribers, and customers if you don’t implement some of the following ideas.

Let’s start with the familiar one…

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How to Use Chatbot Technology to Grow Your Business

VidPenguin Productions
How to Use Chatbot Technology to Grow Your Business

You may have noticed various companies offering chatbots for you to use in your business.

It's intriguing. And yet maybe you're wondering how exactly this sort of technology might be helpful to you. Check out these ideas…

Use Chatbots for Customer Service

One of the most common ways to use chatbot technology is to decrease customer service inquiries.

Now, typically you provide plenty of content on your sites, such as a knowledge base and FAQ. But some visitors are in a hurry, and they...

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Marketing Persuasion 2.0

5 MORE Scientifically Proven Ways to Sell More Stuff with Less Effort

Last month I gave you ten ways to be more persuasive and sell more stuff.

This month we continue the series with five more ways to persuade your prospects to become your customers, including a method for completely changing a person's mind, which is not always an easy thing to do.

And you can use these methods in your personal life, too. Want to convince your kid to do his chores without protesting or your spouse to agree...

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Content Creators: How to Write 5,000 Words per Day

If 5,000 words sound like a crazy high number, you’re not alone.

Even when they’re trying to be super productive in their writing, most people generally won’t write more than 2,000 words on a good day.

Yet when I put the pedal to the metal, I can do 5,000 or even more.

How do I do it?

First, I take a few moments to relax. Yes, seriously, I sit in my favorite chair, get comfortable, and relax my entire body.

Next, I set my intention to write X number of words in the following...

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7 Free Traffic Strategies that Convert

Maybe you're just starting, and you don't have money to pay for traffic. What can you do to get eyeballs on your offers and start making sales as quickly as possible without paying money upfront?

Here are seven methods that are proven to work. Choose whichever one makes the most sense for you, get started, and within days you can begin making sales.

1: Do Expert Roundups.

Ask a bunch of experts the same question and put all of their answers into an expert roundup article. This can be any and...

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Whatโ€™s the Difference Between a Logo and a Brand - Seth Godin

Ask a consumer what's the difference between a logo and brand, and they'll probably guess they're the same thing.

Ask a marketer the same question, and the answers will vary wildly. Frankly, I don't think most marketers know the difference, and I'm not criticizing. There was a time when I had no clue, either, because unless someone breaks it down for you – not with some B.S. marketing-ese taught in school but with a real-world answer – it's confusing.

And so, I turned to a video...

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Sales Copy Trick that Breaks a Golden Rule

If you've ever attended the course of writing sales letters and you're aware of the fact that you shouldn't disclose the price until after you've justified the price.

It's essential to create value, convince the potential buyer to desire your product, and then send them to a frenzied desire. It's time to demonstrate the value of your item the price, and I'm talking about an enormous amount.

Only then will you reveal the cost.

At the very least, it's the norm.

Rules are meant to be broken,...

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The Ghost Town that Fell into the Sea

business strategy Jan 07, 2022

"The Ghost Town that Fell into the Sea"

And... the best way to destroy your business disregarding the facts.

In the past, within Oregon, USA, there was a town known as Bayocean which was situated right near the Pacific Ocean.

In 1906, the real estate developer T.B. Potter laid out the town of his dreams on a sandy peninsula. Potter sold 1600 lots and constructed a hotel, a dance hall Post office, shops, and a swimming pool for the people who lived there.

There were no roads that led to...

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Case Study: Make Money No Matter WHAT The Market Does

This one is clever and a bit sinister, and frankly, maybe I shouldn’t love it, but I do.

The gal who does this specializes in the stock market, but this will work in any financial market. Think Bitcoin and all the other cryptocurrencies, every stock market, commodities market, gold and silver, rare coins… anything that people invest in making money.

Here’s what Jill did…

She bought several books on the stock market. These were current books that were published within...

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10 Scientifically Proven Ways to Sell More Stuff with Less Effort

It’s the ultimate marketing dream: Press a button, send an email, and money comes pouring into your bank account.

But before that can happen, a lot of work needs to go into things like finding or creating the right products for the right audience, finding that audience, and then convincing them they want to buy what you want to sell.

Which is where we jump in today – how do you convince people to buy? How can persuasiveness become second nature to you so that no matter what you do...

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