VidPenguin Productions Blog

6 Bullet Point Tips

1: Just like a headline, each bullet point should express a clear benefit.

2: When possible, keep your bullet points symmetrical. Make them all one line each, or two lines. Use short headlines of 1-4 words for each one, or don’t use headlines, and so forth. This makes it easier on the eyes and easier to read.

3: Keep your bullets clean and uncluttered. Without exception they must always be easy to read, or why even bother using bullet points?

4: Each section of bullet points should have...

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How to Crush It With Your Complimentary Blogposts and Articles

I'm always amazed at how marketers think free content and paid articles are two entirely different things. That fact is, your most successful blog posts and newsletter articles can make you more money than many of the products you've promoted.


The key is to pay attention to how your content is received.

One can attract the most attention when people comment on and forward the posts.

A little 200-word article that gets great feedback is trying to tell you that you...

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How to Get Experts to Write Your Blogposts for You

Allow Me to preface this by Alerting you that the Best Selling instrument in all of the world is not the worldwide web, sales letters or revenue videos, or word of mouth.

It is a story.

Stories market like nothing else since We're hard wired to hear and love tales. It is in our bodies. Think about a crude guy coming back from a search and telling everybody in the camp that a saber tooth tiger murdered bob's narrative in the northeast valley. 

Do you think anybody would venture...

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How One Simple Story Could Make You A Million Dollars

We talk a lot about storytelling in marketing, but what’s the meaning of it all?

One simple story – the right story – can turn an unsuccessful business into a success and a successful business into a behemoth of customers and sales.

Stories are 22 times more memorable than facts and figures alone.

And our neural activity increases five times when listening to a story.

Storytelling lights up the brain's sensory cortex, allowing the listener to feel, hear, taste, and even...

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How to Up Your Facebook Marketing Game Using Facebook Groups

Most of us have come to realize in order to succeed on Facebook you’ll most likely need to pay-to-play, especially with organic reach percentages so low.

But there is another workaround if you aren’t ready to fork out the big bucks for that extra post reach...

Facebook Groups.

Brands can use Facebook Groups to ensure their most important content is actually seen by their target demographic and as another way to communicate with potential and existing customers.


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Facebook Adds New ‘Vanish Mode’ Disappearing Messages in Messenger

There’s still a demand for ephemeral discussion within social apps.

After adding disappearing messages for WhatsApp, which auto-erases after 7 days, Facebook has announced a new ‘Vanish Mode’ for Messenger, which will see your messages disappear as soon as you leave the chat.

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Social Media Marketing Predictions for 2021

social media Dec 17, 2020

Post-coronavirus, 78% of consumers will want brands to help them with their daily lives.

Messaging will need to be more "meme"-friendly, as 55% of 13- to 35-year-olds are sending memes every week.

Podcasts are making a return, as 55% of Americans now listen to podcasts.

Nostalgia marketing will continue to rise, with an 88% mention increase during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Your consumers will continue to be more socially engaged and socially conscious.


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Publishing Your First Kindle Book in 30 Days or Less

Publishing Your First Kindle Book in 30 Days or Less

Last month we covered how to write your first Kindle book in 30 days or less. Now we’re going to cover how to publish your book. While this is not the most exciting step in creating, publishing, and marketing your ebook, it is crucial to get a professional-looking book that people want to buy, enjoy reading, and for which they are happy to leave positive reviews.

Your Own Publishing Company

Here’s something you’ve probably...

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Publishing Your First Kindle Book in 30 Days or Less

book publishing kindle Dec 16, 2020

Publishing Your First Kindle Book in 30 Days or Less

We’ve covered how to write your first Kindle book in 30 days or less, as well as how to publish your book.

Believe it or not, that covers only half of your job as a Kindle author.

If you want to sell hundreds or even thousands of copies of your book every month, you’ll also need to pay attention to marketing.

It’s easy to think that marketing your book is something you don’t need to be concerned about until your book...

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If I Hear “Think Outside the Box” One More Time, I’ll Throw Up

business strategy Dec 14, 2020

Why is it if we would like to be at our most creative and innovative, we resort to utilizing the very worn-out cliché at our disposal?

"We will need to think beyond the box on this one!"

It gives us guidelines and bounds about what we would like to achieve.

By way of instance, if the state I would like you to compose a post on fresh ways small companies can utilize social media, I have only given you a 'box.'

But should I let you get to work but provide you no idea what to do, then you...

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